# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
European guidelines on managing adverse effects of medication for ADHD
435.04 KB 81 0
Identification of operating mediation and mechanism in the sufficient-component cause framework
337.44 KB 81 0
Estimating measures of interaction on an additive scale for preventive exposures
171.63 KB 81 0
Extensive thoracolumbar spinal tuberculosis treated with two-stage surgery using a minimally invasive posterior instrumentation
217.38 KB 81 0
Proximal femoral nail anti-rotation (PFNA) to treat peritrochanteric fractures in elderly patients
449.09 KB 81 0
Posttraumatic widening of the lateral aspect of the radiohumeral joint space on unstressed anteroposterior elbow radiograph:a predictive sign of elbow instability
269.92 KB 81 1
A case report of winged deformity caused by osteochondroma arising from the ventral side of the scapula
372.01 KB 81 0
Literature review and clinical presentation of solitary hydatid cyst in the tibia presenting with pathologic fracture
257.39 KB 81 0
Peri-implant fracture of the femur in an 11-year-old: a case report
202.63 KB 81 0
Practical approach to the child presenting with back pain
238.21 KB 81 0
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in children chronically exposed to high level of vehicular pollution
141.15 KB 81 1
Destructive pulmonary staphylococcal infection in a boy with hyper-IgE syndrome: a novel mutation in the signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) gene (p.Y657S)
382.91 KB 81 0
Effects of APOA5 S19W polymorphism on growth, insulin sensitivity and lipoproteins in normoweight neonates
161.91 KB 81 0
X-linked adrenal hypoplasia congenita: a novel DAX1 missense mutation and challenges for clinical diagnosis in Africa
149.99 KB 81 0
Progression from first symptom to diagnosis in childhood brain tumours
275.69 KB 81 0
Acceptance of two liquid vitamin D3 formulations among mothers with newborn infants: a randomized, single-blind trial
149.69 KB 81 0
Comparative study between V-Y pushback technique and Furlow technique in cleft soft palate repair
394.69 KB 81 0
Scar formation incidence after percutaneous external osteotomy in rhinoplasty
218.20 KB 81 0
Single-stage strategy for management of anterior table frontal sinus fractures involving the frontal sinus outflow tract
421.30 KB 81 0
Ethanol sclerotherapy for treatment of venous malformations of face and neck— a single centre experience
360.63 KB 81 1
The use of MR imaging and spectroscopy of the brain in children investigated for developmental delay: What is the most appropriate imaging strategy?
709.81 KB 81 0
Obese patients in an open MRI at 1.0 Tesla: image quality, diagnostic impact and feasibility
749.56 KB 81 0
Bilateral contrast-enhanced MR angiography of the hand: diagnostic image quality of accelerated MRI using echo sharing with interleaved stochastic trajectories (TWIST)
4.34 MB 81 0
Effect of radiologist experience on the risk of false-positive results in breast cancer screening programs
176.54 KB 81 0
European and North American lung cancer screening experience and implications for pulmonary nodule management
217.33 KB 81 0
European guidelines on managing adverse effects of medication for ADHD

European guidelines on managing ...

The safety of ADHD medications is not fully known. Concerns have arisen about both a lack of contemporary- standard information about medications fi ...

435.04 KB
Identification of operating mediation and mechanism in the sufficient-component cause framework

Identification of operating med ...

The assessment of mediation and mechanism is one way to more deeply explore cause-effect relationships, providing a stronger test and explanation of ...

337.44 KB
Estimating measures of interaction on an additive scale for preventive exposures

Estimating measures of interact ...

Measures of interaction on an additive scale (relative excess risk due to interaction [RERI], attributable proportion [AP], synergy index [S]), were ...

171.63 KB
Extensive thoracolumbar spinal tuberculosis treated with two-stage surgery using a minimally invasive posterior instrumentation

Extensive thoracolumbar spinal ...

We report the case of extensive thoracolumbar tuberculosis involving eight vertebral bodies, and successful treatment by two-stage surgical procedur ...

217.38 KB
Proximal femoral nail anti-rotation (PFNA) to treat peritrochanteric fractures in elderly patients

Proximal femoral nail anti-rota ...

The treatment of peritrochanteric fractures in elderly patients with osteoporosis due to the diYculty of obtaining and maintaining stable Wxation. A ...

449.09 KB
Posttraumatic widening of the lateral aspect of the radiohumeral joint space on unstressed anteroposterior elbow radiograph:a predictive sign of elbow instability

Posttraumatic widening of the l ...

We present a case of incomplete or perched irreducible elbow dislocation, which occurred spontaneously into cast immobilisation performed for a diag ...

دانلود 1
269.92 KB
A case report of winged deformity caused by osteochondroma arising from the ventral side of the scapula

A case report of winged deformi ...

Winged deformity of the scapula is deWned as prominence of the medial border of the scapula. Osteochondroma arising from the ventral side of the sca ...

372.01 KB
Literature review and clinical presentation of solitary hydatid cyst in the tibia presenting with pathologic fracture

Literature review and clinical ...

Hydatid disease is caused by a cestode, Echinococcus. Its intermediate hosts are herbivores but humans can be accidental hosts. Hydatid disease is e ...

257.39 KB
Peri-implant fracture of the femur in an 11-year-old: a case report

Peri-implant fracture of the fe ...

Fracture of the femur in the area of a preexisting implant is not common in an adolescent. We report the case of a fracture, in the area of a pre-ex ...

202.63 KB
Practical approach to the child presenting with back pain

Practical approach to the child ...

Back pain may be the presenting symptom of many children attending to pediatric health care settings. As such, awareness to the common etiologies of ...

238.21 KB
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in children  chronically exposed to high level of vehicular pollution

Attention-deficit hyperactivity ...

The purpose of this study is to explore whether sustained exposure to vehicular air pollution affects the behavior and activities of children. The p ...

دانلود 1
141.15 KB
Destructive pulmonary staphylococcal infection in a boy  with hyper-IgE syndrome: a novel mutation  in the signal transducer and activator  of transcription 3 (STAT3) gene (p.Y657S)

Destructive pulmonary staphyloc ...

Hyper IgE syndrome (HIES) is a rare primary immunodeficiency disorder, characterized by eczema, recurrent skin and lung infections, and significantl ...

382.91 KB
Effects of APOA5 S19W polymorphism on growth, insulin  sensitivity and lipoproteins in normoweight neonates

Effects of APOA5 S19W polymorph ...

Apolipoprotein (Apo) A5 is a protein involved in the activation of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) and the metabolism of triglyceride (TG)-rich lipoprotein ...

161.91 KB
X-linked adrenal hypoplasia congenita: a novel DAX1  missense mutation and challenges for clinical  diagnosis in Africa

X-linked adrenal hypoplasia con ...

Adrenal hypoplasia congenita (AHC) is a rare disease. The X-linked form of AHC is caused by deletions or mutations in DAX1 gene and has a variable c ...

149.99 KB
Progression from first symptom to diagnosis in childhood  brain tumours

Progression from first symptom ...

This study was undertaken to investigate the evolution of clinical features between onset of symptoms and diagnosis in children with brain tumours a ...

275.69 KB
Acceptance of two liquid vitamin D3 formulations  among mothers with newborn infants: a randomized,  single-blind trial

Acceptance of two liquid vitami ...

In Switzerland, children are prescribed 7.5– 12.5 ىg per day of vitamin D3 dissolved in alcohol, but many families do not adhere to the recommendati ...

149.69 KB
Comparative study between V-Y pushback technique  and Furlow technique in cleft soft palate repair

Comparative study between V-Y p ...

Many methods of cleft palate repair have been described. Two effective methods are commonly used for repair of soft palate clefts: the Wardill-Kilne ...

394.69 KB
Scar formation incidence after percutaneous external  osteotomy in rhinoplasty

Scar formation incidence after ...

Osteotomy is one of the major parts of rhinoplasty. External lateral osteotomy, which is performed through a small puncture incision of the skin, ha ...

218.20 KB
Single-stage strategy for management of anterior table  frontal sinus fractures involving the frontal sinus  outflow tract

Single-stage strategy for manag ...

Treatment of frontal sinus fractures has been controversial for years. The aimof treatment, besides cosmetic restoration, is to create a “safe” sinu ...

421.30 KB
Ethanol sclerotherapy for treatment of venous  malformations of face and neck— a single centre experience

Ethanol sclerotherapy for treat ...

Due to complicated anatomy of the face and neck, complete surgical excision of venous malformation is rarely possible and may lead to bleeding, nerv ...

دانلود 1
360.63 KB
The use of MR imaging and spectroscopy of the brain in children investigated for developmental delay: What is the most appropriate imaging strategy?

The use of MR imaging and spect ...

Objectives Developmental delay is a common problem in paediatric practice and many children with developmental delay are referred for MR imaging. Ou ...

709.81 KB
Obese patients in an open MRI at 1.0 Tesla: image quality, diagnostic impact and feasibility

Obese patients in an open MRI a ...

Objective To investigate the performance of an open MRI system at its conceptual limits by examining excessively obese patients who otherwise could ...

749.56 KB
Bilateral contrast-enhanced MR angiography of the hand: diagnostic image quality of accelerated MRI using echo sharing with interleaved stochastic trajectories (TWIST)

Bilateral contrast-enhanced MR ...

Objectives To evaluate the image quality of time-resolved contrast-enhanced MRA (tr-MRA) employing echo-sharing with stochastic trajectories for the ...

4.34 MB
Effect of radiologist experience on the risk of false-positive  results in breast cancer screening programs

Effect of radiologist experienc ...

Objectives To evaluate the effect of radiologist experience on the risk of false-positive results in population-based breast cancer screening progra ...

176.54 KB
European and North American lung cancer screening  experience and implications for pulmonary  nodule management

European and North American lun ...

The potential for low dose computed tomography (LDCT) to act as an effective tool in screening for lung cancer is currently the subject of several ...

217.33 KB
