# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
European guidelines on managing adverse effects of medication for ADHD
435.04 KB 81 0
The direction of effects between perceived parental behavioral control and psychological control and adolescents’ self-reported GAD and SAD symptoms
280.79 KB 94 0
The effects of detraining on blood adipokines and antioxidant enzyme in Korean overweight children
263.89 KB 99 0
Effects of APOA5 S19W polymorphism on growth, insulin sensitivity and lipoproteins in normoweight neonates
161.91 KB 81 0
The side effects of phototherapy for neonatal jaundice: what do we know? What should we do?
230.54 KB 86 1
Effects on the ubiquitin proteasome system after closed soft-tissue trauma in rat skeletal muscle
790.48 KB 134 0
Evaluating the effects of immediate application of negative pressure therapy after decompression from abdominal compartment syndrome in an experimental porcine model
341.80 KB 158 0
Height restoration and wedge angle correction effects of percutaneous vertebroplasty: association with intraosseous clefts
290.74 KB 151 0
The differences of sarcopenia-related phenotypes: effects of gender and population
146.90 KB 88 0
Review: Pharmacogenetic aspects of the effect of cytochrome P450 polymorphisms on serotonergic drug metabolism, response, interactions, and adverse effects
505.59 KB 57 0
Downregulation effects of beta-elemene on the levels of plasma endotoxin, serum TNF-alpha, and hepatic CD14 expression in rats with liver fibrosis
193.40 KB 87 0
Aging effects on drug disposition and effect
43.18 KB 81 0
The effects of the intraocular dye brilliant blue G (BBG) mixed with varying concentrations of glucose on retinal function in an isolated perfused vertebrate retina
217.37 KB 112 0
Protective effects of human umbilical cord blood stem cell intravitreal transplantation against optic nerve injury in rats
473.56 KB 73 0
Effects of intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide on retinal gene expression in a rat model of central retinal vein occlusion
362.45 KB 69 0
Favorable effects of trehalose on the development of UVB-mediated antioxidant/pro-oxidant imbalance in the corneal epithelium, proinflammatory cytokine and matrix metalloproteinase induction, and heat shock protein 70 expression
643.73 KB 82 0
Effects of yellow filters on visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and reading under conditions of forward light scatter
166.15 KB 79 0
Effects of sweep VEP parameters on visual acuity and contrast thresholds in children and adults
353.19 KB 73 0
Effects of osmolarity on human epithelial conjunctival cells using an electrical technique
303.93 KB 65 0
Different effects of low- and high-dose insulin on ROS production and VEGF expression in bovine retinal microvascular endothelial cells in the presence of high glucose
489.91 KB 73 0
Effects of maternal and placental inflammation on retinopathy of prematurity
201.79 KB 89 0
The dynamics of practice effects in an optotype acuity task
378.76 KB 78 0
The effects of perindopril on QT duration and dispersion in patients with coronary slow flow
177.67 KB 59 0
Comparison of the effects of nitroprusside versus nicorandil on the slow/no-reflow phenomenon during coronary interventions for acute myocardial infarction
182.23 KB 85 0
Effects of various doses of aspirin on platelet activity and endothelial function
187.71 KB 75 0
European guidelines on managing adverse effects of medication for ADHD

European guidelines on managing ...

The safety of ADHD medications is not fully known. Concerns have arisen about both a lack of contemporary- standard information about medications fi ...

435.04 KB
The direction of effects between perceived parental behavioral control and psychological control and adolescents’ self-reported GAD and SAD symptoms

The direction of effects betwee ...

This study examined the direction of effects and age and sex differences between adolescents’ perceptions of parental behavioral and psychological c ...

280.79 KB
The effects of detraining on blood adipokines  and antioxidant enzyme in Korean overweight children

The effects of detraining on bl ...

The present study examined the change to clarify the effects of detraining on the concentration of lipid profiles, serum adipokines and antioxidant ...

263.89 KB
Effects of APOA5 S19W polymorphism on growth, insulin  sensitivity and lipoproteins in normoweight neonates

Effects of APOA5 S19W polymorph ...

Apolipoprotein (Apo) A5 is a protein involved in the activation of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) and the metabolism of triglyceride (TG)-rich lipoprotein ...

161.91 KB
The side effects of phototherapy for neonatal jaundice:  what do we know? What should we do?

The side effects of phototherap ...

Neonatal phototherapy (NNPT), a noninvasive, easily available therapy, has been widely used for the treatment of neonatal jaundice for more than hal ...

دانلود 1
230.54 KB
Effects on the ubiquitin proteasome system after closed soft-tissue trauma in rat skeletal muscle

Effects on the ubiquitin protea ...

Previous studies have suggested that an increased catabolic stage of skeletal muscle in pathological situations is mainly a reflection of ubiquitin– ...

790.48 KB
Evaluating the effects of immediate application of negative  pressure therapy after decompression from abdominal  compartment syndrome in an experimental porcine model

Evaluating the effects of immed ...

Purpose The purpose of this large-animal study was to assess the safety and effects of negative pressure therapy (NPT) when used as temporary abdomi ...

341.80 KB
Height restoration and wedge angle correction effects  of percutaneous vertebroplasty: association with intraosseous  clefts

Height restoration and wedge an ...

Objective To evaluate effects of vertebroplasty on restoration of vertebral body height and wedge angle and relief from pain in patients with osteop ...

290.74 KB
The differences of sarcopenia-related phenotypes: effects  of gender and population

The differences of sarcopenia-r ...

Sarcopenia is a serious condition especially in the elderly population mainly characterized by the loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength with ag ...

146.90 KB
Review: Pharmacogenetic aspects of the effect of cytochrome P450 polymorphisms on serotonergic drug metabolism, response, interactions, and adverse effects

Review: Pharmacogenetic aspects ...

The field of pharmacogenetics contains a wealth of potential for the enhancement of clinical practice by providing a more effective match between pa ...

505.59 KB
Downregulation effects of beta-elemene on the levels of plasma endotoxin, serum TNF-alpha, and hepatic CD14 expression in rats with liver fibrosis

Downregulation effects of beta- ...

It has been demonstrated that â-elemene could protect against carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced liver fibrosis in our laboratory work, and the aim ...

193.40 KB
Aging effects on drug disposition and effect

Aging effects on drug dispositi ...

Drug therapy in older individuals has generally been summarized in the phrase “start low and go slow”. As better understanding of the effects and dis ...

43.18 KB
The effects of the intraocular dye brilliant blue G (BBG) mixed with varying concentrations of glucose on retinal function in an isolated perfused vertebrate retina

The effects of the intraocular ...

Background During vitreoretinal surgery, vital dyes such as brilliant blue G (BBG) are used to visualize anatomical structures. By adding glucose to ...

217.37 KB
Protective effects of human umbilical cord blood stem cell intravitreal transplantation against optic nerve injury in rats

Protective effects of human umb ...

Background The majority of studies addressing traumatic optic neuropathy (TON) have focused on drugs, proteins, cytokines, and various surgical tech ...

473.56 KB
Effects of intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide on retinal gene  expression in a rat model of central retinal vein occlusion

Effects of intravitreal triamci ...

Purpose The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide on the alterations in retinal gene expression i ...

362.45 KB
Favorable effects of trehalose on the development  of UVB-mediated antioxidant/pro-oxidant imbalance  in the corneal epithelium, proinflammatory cytokine  and matrix metalloproteinase induction,  and heat shock protein 70 expression

Favorable effects of trehalose ...

Background Trehalose, a nonreducing disaccharide of glucose, is synthesized as a stress response factor when cells are exposed to stressful conditio ...

643.73 KB
Effects of yellow filters on visual acuity, contrast sensitivity  and reading under conditions of forward light scatter

Effects of yellow filters on vi ...

Background Yellow filters are sometimes recommended to people with low vision. Our aim was investigate the effects of three commercial yellow filter ...

166.15 KB
Effects of sweep VEP parameters on visual acuity  and contrast thresholds in children and adults

Effects of sweep VEP parameters ...

Background There are many parameters that may impact the thresholds obtained with sweep visually evoked potentials (sVEP), yet a number of these par ...

353.19 KB
Effects of osmolarity on human epithelial conjunctival  cells using an electrical technique

Effects of osmolarity on human ...

Background The purpose of this study is to report the effect of different media osmolarity on a cell line monolayer of normal human conjunctival epi ...

303.93 KB
Different effects of low- and high-dose insulin on ROS  production and VEGF expression in bovine retinal  microvascular endothelial cells in the presence  of high glucose

Different effects of low- and h ...

Background Clinical trials have demonstrated that acute intensive insulin therapy may cause transient worsening of retinopathy in type 1 and type 2 ...

489.91 KB
Effects of maternal and placental inflammation  on retinopathy of prematurity

Effects of maternal and placent ...

Purpose To identify maternal and placental risk factors for the occurrence and progression of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). Methods This was a ...

201.79 KB
The dynamics of practice effects in an optotype acuity task

The dynamics of practice effect ...

Background Practice-related improvements of performance are common in many areas of visual processing. There is preliminary evidence that this is al ...

378.76 KB
The effects of perindopril on QT duration and dispersion in patients with coronary slow flow

The effects of perindopril on Q ...

Coronary slow flow (CSF) is characterized by delayed opacification of coronary arteries in the absence epicardial occlusive disease. QT duration and ...

177.67 KB
Comparison of the effects of nitroprusside versus nicorandil on the slow/no-reflow phenomenon during coronary interventions for acute myocardial infarction

Comparison of the effects of ni ...

Although slow/no-reflow is a serious problem complicating primary percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) an ...

182.23 KB
Effects of various doses of aspirin on platelet activity and endothelial function

Effects of various doses of asp ...

Although aspirin has become an established medicine for cardiac and cerebrovascular diseases, the optimal dose remains unknown. We evaluated the opt ...

187.71 KB
