# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Radiology-led Follow-up System for IVC Filters: Effects on Retrieval Rates and Times
276.50 KB 87 2
Comparison of the Anti-tumor Effects of Two Platinum Agents (Miriplatin and Fine-Powder Cisplatin)
273.87 KB 76 0
Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acid for Sudden Cardiac Death Prevention in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease: A Contemporary Meta-Analysis of Randomized, Controlled Trials
385.06 KB 79 0
Design and Rationale of Japanese Evaluation Between Formula of Azelnidipine and Amlodipine Add on Olmesartan to Get Antialbuminuric Effect Study (J-FLAG) Evaluation of the Antialbuminuric Effects between Calcium Channel Blocker with Sympatholytic Action i
166.09 KB 76 0
Effects of angiotensin II receptor antagonists on anxiety and some oxidative stress markers in rat
930.33 KB 73 0
Comparing hyoscine and drotaverine effects on colon in CT colonography
857.27 KB 70 1
Synergistic effects of apelin and leptin on isolated rat pulmonary arteries
1.13 MB 69 0
Effects of nerve growth factor in experimental model of focal microgyria
209.36 KB 69 1
Effects of TJN-598, a new selective phosphodiesterase type IV inhibitor on anti-Thy1 nephritis in rats
680.29 KB 74 0
Effects of connexin-mimetic peptides on perfusion pressure in response to phenylephrine in isolated, perfused rat kidneys
1.19 MB 59 0
Elevated serum levels of interleukin-18 in patients with overt diabetic nephropathy: effects of miglitol
266.64 KB 72 0
Effects of renal dysfunction on cardiovascular events in diabetic patients with hypertension: Challenge-DM Study subgroup analysis
224.58 KB 67 0
Renoprotective effects of clarithromycin via reduction of urinary MCP-1 levels in type 2 diabetic patients
372.62 KB 74 0
The effects of raloxifene on bone turnover markers and bone mineral density in women on maintenance hemodialysis
201.19 KB 64 0
Long-term beneficial effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor and angiotensin receptor blocker therapy for patients with advanced immunoglobulin A nephropathy and impaired renal function
269.96 KB 64 0
Age, gender, and body length effects on reference serum creatinine levels determined by an enzymatic method in Japanese children: a multicenter study
452.66 KB 70 0
Effects of metallic or translucent matrices for class II composite restorations: 4-year clinical follow-up findings
188.38 KB 79 0
Effects of a composition containing lactoferrin and lactoperoxidase on oral malodor and salivary bacteria:a randomized, double-blind, crossover, placebo-controlled clinical trial
186.42 KB 82 0
In vivo effects of fluoride on enamel permeability
545.80 KB 99 0
Surface characterization of passive film and elemental release analysis of a Ni–Cr alloy during bleaching, part I: effects of different bleaching agents
271.55 KB 74 0
Long-term oral appliance therapy in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: a controlled study on temporomandibular side effects
189.24 KB 74 0
Effects of orthodontic tooth movement on alveolar bone density
352.29 KB 70 0
Anti-inflammatory effects of EMD in the presence of biomechanical loading and interleukin-1â in vitro
384.52 KB 69 0
Long-term effects of tongue piercing — a case control study
157.11 KB 68 0
Comparing the effects of chlorhexidine and persica on alveolar bone healing following tooth extraction in rats, a randomised controlled trial
714.26 KB 72 0
Radiology-led Follow-up System for IVC Filters: Effects on Retrieval Rates and Times

Radiology-led Follow-up System ...

Purpose Successful IVC filter retrieval rates fall with time. Serious complications have been reported following attempts to remove filters after 3– ...

دانلود 2
276.50 KB
Comparison of the Anti-tumor Effects of Two Platinum Agents (Miriplatin and Fine-Powder Cisplatin)

Comparison of the Anti-tumor Ef ...

Purpose This study was designed to evaluate the antitumor effects of miriplatin-lipidol and fine-powder cisplatin– lipiodol suspensions. Methods As ...

273.87 KB
Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acid for Sudden Cardiac Death Prevention in Patients with  Cardiovascular Disease: A Contemporary Meta-Analysis of Randomized, Controlled Trials

Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acid f ...

Purpose Experimental and epidemiological studies suggest that omega-3 fatty acids have an antiarrhythmic effect. However, evidence from randomized c ...

385.06 KB
Design and Rationale of Japanese Evaluation Between Formula of Azelnidipine and Amlodipine Add on Olmesartan to Get Antialbuminuric Effect Study (J-FLAG) Evaluation of the  Antialbuminuric Effects between Calcium Channel Blocker with Sympatholytic Action i

Design and Rationale of Japanes ...

Purpose Calcium channel blockers (CCBs) are recommended second-line antihypertensives for renin-angiotensin system (RAS) inhibitor-treated patients ...

166.09 KB
Effects of angiotensin II receptor antagonists on anxiety and some oxidative stress markers in rat

Effects of angiotensin II recep ...

In addition to its known classical roles, the renin angiotensin system (RAS) has more subtle functions which include the regulation of emotional resp ...

930.33 KB
Comparing hyoscine and drotaverine effects on colon in CT colonography

Comparing hyoscine and drotaver ...

Hyoscine and drotaverine effectiveness was compared for the purposes of achieving optimum distension following insufflation in CT colonography. The i ...

دانلود 1
857.27 KB
Synergistic effects of apelin and leptin on isolated rat pulmonary arteries

Synergistic effects of apelin a ...

Apelin (AP) and leptin (LEP) are adipokines with vasomotor actions. Taking into account the published data on the role of obesity in the development ...

1.13 MB
Effects of nerve growth factor in experimental model of focal microgyria

Effects of nerve growth factor ...

Aim The effects on neural repair of intraparenchymal nerve growth factor (NGF) administration were evaluated in neonate Wistar rats with experimenta ...

دانلود 1
209.36 KB
Effects of TJN-598, a new selective phosphodiesterase type IV inhibitor on anti-Thy1 nephritis in rats

Effects of TJN-598, a new selec ...

Background Phosphodiesterase type IV (PDEIV) plays an important role in the immune response and inflammation. However, it is well known that classic ...

680.29 KB
Effects of connexin-mimetic peptides on perfusion pressure in response to phenylephrine in isolated, perfused rat kidneys

Effects of connexin-mimetic pep ...

Background Gap junction intercellular communication plays a fundamental role in various tissues and organs. Gap junctions transfer ions and molecule ...

1.19 MB
Elevated serum levels of interleukin-18 in patients with overt diabetic nephropathy: effects of miglitol

Elevated serum levels of interl ...

Background Interleukin-18 (IL-18), a pro-inflammatory cytokine, is a predictor of cardiovascular and renal disease in diabetic patients. Postprandia ...

266.64 KB
Effects of renal dysfunction on cardiovascular events in diabetic patients with hypertension: Challenge-DM Study subgroup analysis

Effects of renal dysfunction on ...

Background This study investigated the relation between renal dysfunction and cardiovascular events in patients from the Challenge-DM Study (a large ...

224.58 KB
Renoprotective effects of clarithromycin via reduction of urinary MCP-1 levels in type 2 diabetic patients

Renoprotective effects of clari ...

Background Recent studies have shown the involvement of microinflammation in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy. We previously demonstrated th ...

372.62 KB
The effects of raloxifene on bone turnover markers and bone mineral density in women on maintenance hemodialysis

The effects of raloxifene on bo ...

Background Bone disease is caused not only by increased bone turnover accompanying secondary hyperparathyroidism but also by factors such as bone me ...

201.19 KB
Long-term beneficial effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor and angiotensin receptor blocker therapy for patients with advanced immunoglobulin A nephropathy and impaired renal function

Long-term beneficial effects of ...

Background There are few reports analyzing the effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) and/ or angiotensin receptor blockers (AR ...

269.96 KB
Age, gender, and body length effects on reference serum creatinine levels determined by an enzymatic method in Japanese children: a multicenter study

Age, gender, and body length ef ...

Background Enzymatic methods have recently been used to measure creatinine (Cr) instead of the Jaffe method. Therefore, it is necessary to determine ...

452.66 KB
Effects of metallic or translucent matrices for class II composite restorations: 4-year clinical follow-up findings

Effects of metallic or transluc ...

This study evaluated the performance of composite restorations placed with two matrix and wedge systems 4 years after placement. In a split-mouth de ...

188.38 KB
Effects of a composition containing lactoferrin and lactoperoxidase on oral malodor and salivary bacteria:a randomized, double-blind, crossover, placebo-controlled clinical trial

Effects of a composition contai ...

We report a clinical trial of the effects of test tablets containing bovine lactoferrin and lactoperoxidase on oral malodor and salivary bacteria. F ...

186.42 KB
In vivo effects of fluoride on enamel permeability

In vivo effects of fluoride on ...

This in vivo study evaluated the effects of topical fluoride application on enamel by repeated scanning electron microscopy analysis of replicas. Ba ...

545.80 KB
Surface characterization of passive film and elemental release analysis of a Ni–Cr alloy during bleaching,  part I: effects of different bleaching agents

Surface characterization of pas ...

The aim of this study was to evaluate the elemental release from a Ni–Cr dental casting alloy subjected to 10% hydrogen peroxide (HP) or 10% carbami ...

271.55 KB
Long-term oral appliance therapy in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: a controlled study on temporomandibular side effects

Long-term oral appliance therap ...

The objective of this study was to assess variations in the occurrence of temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) and the risk of developing pain and fun ...

189.24 KB
Effects of orthodontic tooth movement on alveolar bone density

Effects of orthodontic tooth mo ...

The object of this study was to evaluate the relationship between changes in the alveolar bone density around the teeth and the direction of tooth m ...

352.29 KB
Anti-inflammatory effects of EMD in the presence of biomechanical loading and interleukin-1â in vitro

Anti-inflammatory effects of EM ...

Enamel matrix derivative (EMD) used to promote periodontal regeneration has been shown to exert antiinflammatory effects. This in vitro study was pe ...

384.52 KB
Long-term effects of tongue piercing — a case control study

Long-term effects of tongue pie ...

The aim of this study was to evaluate tooth and periodontal damage in subjects wearing a tongue piercing (TP) in comparison to matched control subje ...

157.11 KB
Comparing the effects of chlorhexidine and persica on alveolar bone healing following tooth extraction in rats, a randomised controlled trial

Comparing the effects of chlorh ...

Chlorhexidine is broadly prescribed by clinicians for treating extraction socket wounds; however, studies have reported adverse effects for chlorhex ...

714.26 KB
