# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Capecitabine versus 5-fluorouracil in colorectal cancer: where are we now?
220.95 KB 102 0
The characterization of dentin defects produced by air polishing
422.41 KB 62 0
Oral lipoma extending superiorly from mandibular gingivobuccal fold to gingiva: a case report and analysis of 207 patients with oral lipoma in Japan
359.04 KB 72 0
Hybridization morphology and dentin bond stability of self-etch primers with different ethanol/water ratios
386.09 KB 75 1
Direct pulp capping effect with experimentally developed adhesive resin systems containing reparative dentin-promoting agents on rat pulp: mixed amounts of additives and their effect on wound healing
889.31 KB 75 0
Effect of the smear layer on a pulp proximity-indicating instrument
534.08 KB 67 0
Coexpression of SGLT1 and EGFR is associated with tumor differentiation in oral squamous cell carcinoma
482.49 KB 93 0
Effect of mucoprotein on the bond strength of resin composite to human dentin
707.98 KB 71 0
Localization of type III collagen in the lingual mucosa of rats during the morphogenesis of circumvallate papillae
1.02 MB 83 0
Short-term treatment effects of quad-helix on maxillomandibular expansion in patients with maxillary incisor crowding
234.51 KB 87 0
Dental caries experience in relation to salivary findings and molecular identification of S. mutans and S. sobrinus in subjects with Down syndrome
198.33 KB 84 0
Comparison of three strip-type tests and two laboratory methods for salivary buffering analysis
244.59 KB 73 0
Surface substance loss of subsurface bovine enamel lesions after different steps of the resinous infiltration technique: a 3D topography analysis
440.95 KB 75 0
Photomicrographic evaluation of the apical sealing capacity of three types of gutta-percha master cones: an in vitro study
450.16 KB 69 0
Contribution of phosphoglucosamine mutase to determination of bacterial cell morphology in Streptococcus gordonii
484.25 KB 74 0
The difference of fibroblast behavior on titanium substrata with different surface characteristics
546.35 KB 69 0
Fluoride inhibits the response of bone cells to mechanical loading
445.08 KB 79 0
The effect of enamel matrix protein on gingival tissue thickness in vivo
446.94 KB 68 0
Finite element analysis to compare stress distribution of connector of lithia disilicate-reinforced glass–ceramic and zirconia-based fixed partial denture
381.20 KB 58 0
Efficacy of denture adhesives in maxillary dentures using gnathodynamometry: a comparative study
335.51 KB 73 0
Shear bond strength of rebonded brackets after removal of adhesives with Er,Cr:YSGG laser
381.01 KB 73 0
Increased glucose metabolism by FDG-PET correlates with reduced tumor angiogenesis in oral squamous cell carcinoma
422.12 KB 66 0
Factors associated with reduced compliance of children to dental preventive measures
260.59 KB 67 0
Radiation-induced malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the maxilla
551.83 KB 60 0
Dental anomalies in the primary dentition and their repetition in the permanent dentition: a diagnostic performance study
168.78 KB 66 0
Capecitabine versus 5-fluorouracil in colorectal cancer:  where are we now?

Capecitabine versus 5-fluoroura ...

Fluorouracil (5-FU) remains the most widely used agent for colorectal cancer. Capecitabine is a rationally designed 5-FU pro-drug developed to mimic ...

220.95 KB
The characterization of dentin defects produced by air polishing

The characterization of dentin ...

The objective of this study is to characterize the defects in the dentin surface after air polishing for three types of polishing powders and five d ...

422.41 KB
Oral lipoma extending superiorly from mandibular gingivobuccal  fold to gingiva: a case report and analysis of 207 patients  with oral lipoma in Japan

Oral lipoma extending superiorl ...

Lipoma is relatively uncommon in the oral cavity. Among the intraoral regions, lipoma involving the gingiva or gingivobuccal fold is relatively infr ...

359.04 KB
Hybridization morphology and dentin bond stability of self-etch  primers with different ethanol/water ratios

Hybridization morphology and de ...

This study evaluated the influence of ethanol/ water ratios on the bond strength to dentin of experimental two-step, self-etch adhesive systems. Sel ...

دانلود 1
386.09 KB
Direct pulp capping effect with experimentally developed adhesive  resin systems containing reparative dentin-promoting agents  on rat pulp: mixed amounts of additives and their effect  on wound healing

Direct pulp capping effect with ...

This study examined the wound-healing process of exposed rat pulp when treated with experimental adhesive resin systems. The experimental direct pul ...

889.31 KB
Effect of the smear layer on a pulp proximity-indicating  instrument

Effect of the smear layer on a ...

The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of removing or modifying the smear layer on the indication provided by the Prepometer pulp prox ...

534.08 KB
Coexpression of SGLT1 and EGFR is associated with tumor  differentiation in oral squamous cell carcinoma

Coexpression of SGLT1 and EGFR ...

Overexpression of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is associated with resistance to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, advanced tumor stage, inva ...

482.49 KB
Effect of mucoprotein on the bond strength of resin composite  to human dentin

Effect of mucoprotein on the bo ...

The purpose of this study was to test the bond strength and analyze the morphology of the dentin-adhesive interface of two etch and rinse and two se ...

707.98 KB
Localization of type III collagen in the lingual mucosa of rats  during the morphogenesis of circumvallate papillae

Localization of type III collag ...

In an effort to identify a possible role for type III collagen in the morphogenesis of circumvallate papillae on the surface of the rat tongue, we e ...

1.02 MB
Short-term treatment effects of quad-helix on maxillomandibular  expansion in patients with maxillary incisor crowding

Short-term treatment effects of ...

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of the maxillary arch expansion on maxillomandibular arch widths in patients treated with the ...

234.51 KB
Dental caries experience in relation to salivary findings  and molecular identification of S. mutans and S. sobrinus  in subjects with Down syndrome

Dental caries experience in rel ...

This study investigated the association between clinical and salivary or molecular parameters in Down syndrome subjects. Sixty individuals (1- to 48 ...

198.33 KB
Comparison of three strip-type tests and two laboratory methods  for salivary buffering analysis

Comparison of three strip-type ...

This study evaluated the correlation between three strip-type, colorimetric tests and two laboratory methods with respect to the analysis of salivar ...

244.59 KB
Surface substance loss of subsurface bovine enamel lesions  after different steps of the resinous infiltration technique:  a 3D topography analysis

Surface substance loss of subsu ...

Surface substance loss of subsurface enamel lesions before (baseline/demineralization) and after each step of the infiltration technique was evaluat ...

440.95 KB
Photomicrographic evaluation of the apical sealing capacity  of three types of gutta-percha master cones: an in vitro study

Photomicrographic evaluation of ...

The purpose of this study was to compare the apical sealing capacity of three types of gutta-percha master cones of the same apical size and differe ...

450.16 KB
Contribution of phosphoglucosamine mutase to determination  of bacterial cell morphology in Streptococcus gordonii

Contribution of phosphoglucosam ...

Phosphoglucosamine mutase (GlmM; EC catalyzes the interconversion of glucosamine-6- phosphate to glucosamine-1-phosphate, an essential ste ...

484.25 KB
The difference of fibroblast behavior on titanium substrata  with different surface characteristics

The difference of fibroblast be ...

Connective tissue, one of the main components of peri-implant soft tissue, is key to the formation of the peri-implant mucosal seal and helping to p ...

546.35 KB
Fluoride inhibits the response of bone cells to mechanical loading

Fluoride inhibits the response ...

The response of bone cells to mechanical loading is mediated by the cytoskeleton. Since the bone anabolic agent fluoride disrupts the cytoskeleton, ...

445.08 KB
The effect of enamel matrix protein on gingival tissue  thickness in vivo

The effect of enamel matrix pro ...

The enamel matrix derivative (EMD) has been used extensively as an adjunct to root coverage procedures to achieve periodontal regeneration. However, ...

446.94 KB
Finite element analysis to compare stress distribution of connector  of lithia disilicate-reinforced glass–ceramic and zirconia-based  fixed partial denture

Finite element analysis to comp ...

This study used finite element method to analyze the stress distribution in connector of ceramic-based bilayer structures, in simulation of dental c ...

381.20 KB
Efficacy of denture adhesives in maxillary dentures  using gnathodynamometry: a comparative study

Efficacy of denture adhesives i ...

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of four commercially available denture adhesives on the incisal and premolar dislodgement fo ...

335.51 KB
Shear bond strength of rebonded brackets after removal  of adhesives with Er,Cr:YSGG laser

Shear bond strength of rebonded ...

This study was conducted to examine the bond strength of rebonded orthodontic brackets after adhesive residuals on the surface of the bracket bases ...

381.01 KB
Increased glucose metabolism by FDG-PET correlates  with reduced tumor angiogenesis in oral squamous cell carcinoma

Increased glucose metabolism by ...

Hypoxia is known to have been related with angiogenesis and glycolysis, and may have an influence on tumor treatment effect. Because glucose utiliza ...

422.12 KB
Factors associated with reduced compliance of children to dental  preventive measures

Factors associated with reduced ...

The aim of this study was to record self-reported factors for non-compliance to ‘dental home’ preventive measures among pediatric patients, and to c ...

260.59 KB
Radiation-induced malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the maxilla

Radiation-induced malignant fib ...

Malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) originates from primitive mesenchymal cells and has the capacity for dual histiocytic and fibroblastic differen ...

551.83 KB
Dental anomalies in the primary dentition and their repetition  in the permanent dentition: a diagnostic performance study

Dental anomalies in the primary ...

This study investigated the recurrence in the permanent dentition of dental anomalies of the primary dentition. A sample of 189 subjects (100 males, ...

168.78 KB
