# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
The Effects of Aspiration Status, Liquid Type, and Bolus Volume on Pharyngeal Peak Pressure in Healthy Older Adults
204.62 KB 72 0
Effects of Reduced Saliva Production on Swallowing in Patients with Sjogren’s Syndrome
287.23 KB 69 0
Effects of Repeated Volitional Swallowing on the Excitability of Submental Corticobulbar Motor Pathways
303.17 KB 73 0
Differential Effects of Vitamin K1 on AFP and DCP Levels in Patients with Unresectable HCC and in HCC Cell Lines
336.30 KB 82 0
The Effects of Angiotensin Blocking Agents on the Progression of Liver Fibrosis in the HALT-C Trial Cohort
159.20 KB 71 0
Protective Effect of Rebamipide Against Helicobacter pylori-CagA-Induced Effects on Gastric Epithelial Cells
511.91 KB 84 0
Protective Effects of Kurozu and Kurozu Moromimatsu on Dextran Sulfate Sodium-Induced Experimental Colitis
452.03 KB 118 0
Protective Effects of Black Cumin (Nigella sativa) Oil on TNBS-Induced Experimental Colitis in Rats
440.03 KB 72 0
Domperidone Treatment for Gastroparesis: Demographic and Pharmacogenetic Characterization of Clinical Efficacy and Side-Effects
252.59 KB 76 0
Protective Effects of Melatonin and Octreotide Against Radiation-Induced Intestinal Injury
686.80 KB 72 0
Mutational Analysis of the PTEN Gene and Its Effects in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
341.80 KB 62 0
Beneficial Effects of Follistatin in Hepatic Ischemia-Reperfusion Injuries in Rats
462.94 KB 65 0
Antioxidant Properties of Probiotics and Their Protective Effects in the Pathogenesis of Radiation-Induced Enteritis and Colitis
211.20 KB 75 0
Effects of Dairy Intake on Hyperuricemia and Gout
165.47 KB 65 0
Management of Hepatitis C Antiviral Therapy Adverse Effects
165.48 KB 74 1
The Incretin System and Cardiovascular Risk: Effects of Incretin-Targeted Therapies
169.65 KB 105 0
Lipid Effects of Endocrine Medications
144.77 KB 81 0
Are Cardiovascular Benefits in Statin Lipid Effects Dependent on Baseline Lipid Levels?
320.13 KB 76 0
Effects of different dietary prebiotic inulin levels on blood serum enzymes, hematologic, and biochemical parameters of great sturgeon (Huso huso) juveniles
119.78 KB 91 0
Effects of different health status on blood haematochemical values of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta)
122.74 KB 70 0
In vitro effects of Artemisia dracunculus essential oil on ruminal and abomasal smooth muscle in sheep
181.56 KB 77 0
The gastrointestinal and myocardial adverse effects of flunixin meglumine, ketoprofen and phenylbutazone in Iranian Cashmere (Rayeni) goats: clinical, hematological, biochemical, and pathological findings
244.34 KB 85 0
Effects of systemic and topical estrogen application on the healing of full-thickness skin wounds in diabetic rats
402.71 KB 74 0
Effects on hematological and biochemical parameters in albino mice fed Ipomoea batatas leaf aqueous extract
120.78 KB 74 0
Effects of caffeine extract from kola nut on body weight, hematology, sperm reserve and serum enzyme activities in albino rats
173.68 KB 77 0
The Effects of Aspiration Status, Liquid Type, and Bolus Volume  on Pharyngeal Peak Pressure in Healthy Older Adults

The Effects of Aspiration Statu ...

The reasons for aspiration in healthy adults remain unknown. Given that the pharyngeal phase of swallowing is a key component of the safe swallow, i ...

204.62 KB
Effects of Reduced Saliva Production on Swallowing in Patients  with Sjogren’s Syndrome

Effects of Reduced Saliva Produ ...

This study aimed to further characterize the nature of swallowing dysfunction in patients with Sjogren’s syndrome (SS). Subjects filled out a percep ...

287.23 KB
Effects of Repeated Volitional Swallowing on the Excitability  of Submental Corticobulbar Motor Pathways

Effects of Repeated Volitional ...

The aim of this study was to examine the effects of repeated volitional saliva swallowing on corticobulbar excitability recorded during two muscle p ...

303.17 KB
Differential Effects of Vitamin K1 on AFP and DCP Levels  in Patients with Unresectable HCC and in HCC Cell Lines

Differential Effects of Vitamin ...

Purpose DCP is a useful HCC tumor marker, which reflects a defect in vitamin K metabolism. We tested the hypothesis that vitamin K treatment of HCC ...

336.30 KB
The Effects of Angiotensin Blocking Agents on the Progression  of Liver Fibrosis in the HALT-C Trial Cohort

The Effects of Angiotensin Bloc ...

Background Therapies that can slow the progression of liver fibrosis in chronic liver disease are needed. Evidence suggests that the renin-angiotens ...

159.20 KB
Protective Effect of Rebamipide Against Helicobacter  pylori-CagA-Induced Effects on Gastric Epithelial Cells

Protective Effect of Rebamipide ...

Background Helicobacter pylori CagA dysregulates cell signaling pathways and leads to targeted transcriptional upregulation of genes implicated in g ...

511.91 KB
Protective Effects of Kurozu and Kurozu Moromimatsu on Dextran  Sulfate Sodium-Induced Experimental Colitis

Protective Effects of Kurozu an ...

Background Kurozu, a traditional Japanese black vinegar made from unpolished rice, and Kurozu Moromimatsu (Kurozu-M), its sediment, are both consume ...

452.03 KB
Protective Effects of Black Cumin (Nigella sativa) Oil  on TNBS-Induced Experimental Colitis in Rats

Protective Effects of Black Cum ...

Background The pathogenesis and treatment of ulcerative colitis remain poorly understood. The aim of the present study is to investigate the effects ...

440.03 KB
Domperidone Treatment for Gastroparesis: Demographic  and Pharmacogenetic Characterization of Clinical Efficacy  and Side-Effects

Domperidone Treatment for Gastr ...

Background Domperidone is a useful alternative to metoclopramide for treatment of gastroparesis due to better tolerability. Effectiveness and side-e ...

252.59 KB
Protective Effects of Melatonin and Octreotide Against  Radiation-Induced Intestinal Injury

Protective Effects of Melatonin ...

Purpose To compare the protective effects of the potent antioxidants, melatonin and octreotide, against radiationinduced intestinal injury. Methods ...

686.80 KB
Mutational Analysis of the PTEN Gene and Its Effects  in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Mutational Analysis of the PTEN ...

Background Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) is one of the most frequently diagnosed cancers in China, but the etiology and mode of carcinog ...

341.80 KB
Beneficial Effects of Follistatin in Hepatic Ischemia-Reperfusion  Injuries in Rats

Beneficial Effects of Follistat ...

Background Ischemia-reperfusion injury has been demonstrated in a variety of clinical settings. The morbidity associated with liver transplantation ...

462.94 KB
Antioxidant Properties of Probiotics and Their Protective Effects in the Pathogenesis of Radiation-Induced Enteritis and Colitis

Antioxidant Properties of Probi ...

Radiation therapy has become one of the most important treatment modalities for human malignancy, but certain immediate and delayed side-effects on ...

211.20 KB
Effects of Dairy Intake on Hyperuricemia and Gout

Effects of Dairy Intake on Hype ...

Dietary modification is frequently recommended for patients with gout. Longitudinal observational studies have shown a clear inverse relationship be ...

165.47 KB
Management of Hepatitis C Antiviral Therapy Adverse Effects

Management of Hepatitis C Antiv ...

Hepatitis C is one of the leading causes of liver disease in the United States, affecting more than 4 million individuals. The current treatment reg ...

دانلود 1
165.48 KB
The Incretin System and Cardiovascular Risk: Effects of Incretin-Targeted Therapies

The Incretin System and Cardiov ...

Incretins, such as glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), are gut peptides that stimulate insulin secretion. Incretintargeted therapeutics for type 2 diab ...

169.65 KB
Lipid Effects of Endocrine Medications

Lipid Effects of Endocrine Medi ...

Various alterations of lipid homeostasis have a significant role in the pathophysiology of the artherosclerotic process. The effects of usual lipid- ...

144.77 KB
Are Cardiovascular Benefits in Statin Lipid Effects Dependent on Baseline Lipid Levels?

Are Cardiovascular Benefits in ...

Statins reduce coronary heart disease (CHD) morbidity and mortality over a wide range of patients. The Justification for the Use of Statins in Preve ...

320.13 KB
Effects of different dietary prebiotic inulin levels on blood serum enzymes, hematologic, and biochemical parameters of great sturgeon (Huso huso) juveniles

Effects of different dietary pr ...

An 8-week growth trial was carried out in freshwater fiberglass tanks to investigate the effects of different dietary prebiotic inulin levels on hem ...

119.78 KB
Effects of different health status on blood haematochemical values of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta)

Effects of different health sta ...

In reptiles, several studies show the correlation between good or poor health and changes of physiologic parameters, but the comparison among data, ...

122.74 KB
In vitro effects of Artemisia dracunculus essential oil on ruminal and abomasal smooth muscle in sheep

In vitro effects of Artemisia d ...

Recently, essential oils have been substituted for synthetic antibiotics in improving rumen fermentation and animal performance. When ingested, alon ...

181.56 KB
The gastrointestinal and myocardial adverse effects of flunixin meglumine, ketoprofen and phenylbutazone in Iranian Cashmere (Rayeni) goats: clinical, hematological, biochemical, and pathological findings

The gastrointestinal and myocar ...

Flunixin meglumine, ketoprofen, and phenylbutazone are classified with the group of compounds commonly referred to as non-steroidal anti-inflammator ...

244.34 KB
Effects of systemic and topical estrogen application on the healing of full-thickness skin wounds in diabetic rats

Effects of systemic and topical ...

In this research, the possible effects of systemic and topical estrogen were investigated on wound healing in normal and diabetic male rats. One hun ...

402.71 KB
Effects on hematological and biochemical parameters in albino mice fed Ipomoea batatas leaf aqueous extract

Effects on hematological and bi ...

The leaf aqueous extract of Ipomoea batatas was investigated for hematological and biochemical effects in mice. The acute toxicity test recorded no ...

120.78 KB
Effects of caffeine extract from kola nut on body weight, hematology, sperm reserve and serum enzyme activities in albino rats

Effects of caffeine extract fro ...

This study investigated the effects of caffeine extract from kola nut on body weight, hematological indices, serum enzyme activities, and testicular ...

173.68 KB
