# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
The effects of red light with different intensity on retinal photoreceptor cells in rabbit: an ultrastructural study
600.10 KB 77 0
Comparative study of doxycycline and rifampin therapeutic effects in subclinical phase of canine monocytic ehrlichiosis
134.82 KB 81 0
Effects of topical application of Calendula officinalis gel on collagen and hydroxyproline content of skin in rats
178.89 KB 65 0
Psidium guajava leaf extract: effects on rat serum homeostasis and tissue morphology
1.36 MB 71 0
Effects of oral administration of Euphorbia prostrata extract on the reproductive system of male albino rats: a histometric and biochemical study
139.39 KB 78 0
Evaluation of prophylactic and therapeutic effects of silymarin on mebendazole-induced hepatotoxicity in cats
225.07 KB 69 0
Ceruloplasmin activity in Holstein dairy cows: effects of lactation stages and anticoagulants
145.95 KB 72 0
The effects of vitamin C on vitamin K-related clotting factors
111.10 KB 91 0
Effects of intramuscular chlorpromazine alone and chlorpromazine–morphine combination on Schirmer tear test results in clinically normal dogs
96.97 KB 66 0
Effects of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) on cutaneous regeneration and wound healing in dogs treated with dexamethasone
409.45 KB 69 0
Hepatoprotective effects of whey protein isolate against acute liver toxicity induced by dimethylnitrosamine in rat
563.20 KB 80 1
Effects of intracoronary injection of autologous bone marrowderived stem cells on natriuretic peptides and inflammatory markers in patients with acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction
289.07 KB 61 0
Intracoronary pyruvate in cardiogenic shock as an adjunctive therapy to catecholamines and intra-aortic balloon pump shows beneficial effects on hemodynamics
215.83 KB 66 0
Intracoronary versus intravenous bolus abciximab application in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention: 6-month effects on infarct size and left ventricular function
264.72 KB 94 0
Functional effects of b1-adrenoceptor polymorphisms on the hemodynamic response to dobutamine with and without b-blocker administration
489.25 KB 60 0
Lack of evidence for pleiotropic effects of clopidogrel on endothelial function and inflammation in patients with stable coronary artery disease: results of the double-blind, randomized CASSANDRA study
198.39 KB 70 0
Effects of surface conditioning on repair bond strengths of non-aged and aged microhybrid, nanohybrid,and nanofilled composite resins
439.84 KB 66 0
Comparing the effects of chlorhexidine and persica on alveolar bone healing following tooth extraction in rats, a randomised controlled trial
714.26 KB 72 0
Anti-inflammatory effects of EMD in the presence of biomechanical loading and interleukin-1â in vitro
384.52 KB 69 0
Surface characterization of passive film and elemental release analysis of a Ni–Cr alloy during bleaching, part I: effects of different bleaching agents
271.55 KB 74 0
In vivo effects of fluoride on enamel permeability
545.80 KB 99 0
Effects of a composition containing lactoferrin and lactoperoxidase on oral malodor and salivary bacteria:a randomized, double-blind, crossover, placebo-controlled clinical trial
186.42 KB 82 0
Effects of metallic or translucent matrices for class II composite restorations: 4-year clinical follow-up findings
188.38 KB 80 0
Comparing hyoscine and drotaverine effects on colon in CT colonography
857.27 KB 70 1
Divergent effects of insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor expression on prognosis of estrogen receptor positive versus triple negative invasive ductal breast carcinoma
860.09 KB 77 0
The effects of red light with different intensity on retinal photoreceptor cells in rabbit: an ultrastructural study

The effects of red light with d ...

The purpose of this research was to investigate the fine structure of the photoreceptor layer of male rabbits exposed to intermittent red light with ...

600.10 KB
Comparative study of doxycycline and rifampin therapeutic effects in subclinical phase of canine monocytic ehrlichiosis

Comparative study of doxycyclin ...

double-blind randomized controlled trial was designed for a 6-month period to compare the efficacy of rifampin versus doxycycline during the subclin ...

134.82 KB
Effects of topical application of Calendula officinalis gel on collagen and hydroxyproline content of skin in rats

Effects of topical application ...

In this investigation, the effects of different concentrations of Calendula officinalis gel on collagen and hydroxyproline content of the skin are s ...

178.89 KB
Psidium guajava leaf extract: effects on rat serum homeostasis and tissue morphology

Psidium guajava leaf extract: e ...

This study investigated the effects of chronic daily administration of ethanolic extract of Psidium guajava leaf on rat serum homeostasis and tissue ...

1.36 MB
Effects of oral administration of Euphorbia prostrata extract on the reproductive system of male albino rats: a histometric and biochemical study

Effects of oral administration ...

Methanolic extract of Euphorbia prostrata when administered orally at the dose level of 400 mg/kg body weight per day for 60 days to male rats did n ...

139.39 KB
Evaluation of prophylactic and therapeutic effects of silymarin on mebendazole-induced hepatotoxicity in cats

Evaluation of prophylactic and ...

The aim of this study was to determine the protective action of silymarin on mebendazole-induced hepatotoxicity in cats. Twenty five healthy cats we ...

225.07 KB
Ceruloplasmin activity in Holstein dairy cows: effects of lactation stages and anticoagulants

Ceruloplasmin activity in Holst ...

The effects of lactation stages and anticoagulants on the ceruloplasmin (Cp) activity were investigated in 240 Holstein dairy cows. The cows were cl ...

145.95 KB
The effects of vitamin C on vitamin K-related clotting factors

The effects of vitamin C on vit ...

The aim of this study was to assess the effects of vitamin C on vitamin K-related clotting factors II, VII, IX and X. Sixty female Wistar rats with ...

111.10 KB
Effects of intramuscular chlorpromazine alone and chlorpromazine–morphine combination  on Schirmer tear test results in clinically normal dogs

Effects of intramuscular chlorp ...

The objective of this study was to evaluate effects of intramuscularly administered chlorpromazine alone and chlorpromazine–morphine combination on ...

96.97 KB
Effects of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) on cutaneous regeneration and wound healing in dogs treated  with dexamethasone

Effects of platelet-rich plasma ...

To evaluate the effects of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) on cutaneous regeneration and wound healing in dogs treated with dexamethasone, the present st ...

409.45 KB
Hepatoprotective effects of whey protein isolate against acute liver toxicity induced by dimethylnitrosamine in rat

Hepatoprotective effects of whe ...

In order to investigate the hepatoprotective effects of whey protein isolate against acute liver toxicity induced by dimethylnitrosamine (DMN), a ra ...

دانلود 1
563.20 KB
Effects of intracoronary injection of autologous bone marrowderived stem cells on natriuretic peptides and inflammatory markers in patients with acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction

Effects of intracoronary inject ...

Background Intracoronary administration of autologous bone marrow stem cells (BMC) has been shown to result in a subtle improvement of global left v ...

289.07 KB
Intracoronary pyruvate in cardiogenic shock as an adjunctive therapy to catecholamines and intra-aortic balloon pump shows beneficial effects on hemodynamics

Intracoronary pyruvate in cardi ...

Aims Pyruvate was shown to increase cardiac performance in isolated human and animal myocardium and in patients with chronic heart failure. We sough ...

215.83 KB
Intracoronary versus intravenous bolus abciximab application in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention: 6-month effects on infarct size and left ventricular function

Intracoronary versus intravenou ...

Background Administration of abciximab during primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) reduces major adverse cardiac events (MACE) in patien ...

264.72 KB
Functional effects of b1-adrenoceptor polymorphisms on the hemodynamic response to dobutamine  with and without b-blocker administration

Functional effects of b1-adreno ...

Background The relevance of the Arg389Gly- and Ser49Gly-b1-adrenoceptor (AR) polymorphisms for cardiovascular function and pharmacotherapy is contro ...

489.25 KB
Lack of evidence for pleiotropic effects of clopidogrel on endothelial function and inflammation in patients with stable coronary artery disease: results of the double-blind, randomized CASSANDRA study

Lack of evidence for pleiotropi ...

Background Recently we have demonstrated a dosedependent improvement of endothelial function after administration of a single loading dose of clopid ...

198.39 KB
Effects of surface conditioning on repair bond strengths of non-aged and aged microhybrid, nanohybrid,and nanofilled composite resins

Effects of surface conditioning ...

This study evaluates effects of aging on repair bond strengths of microhybrid, nanohybrid, and nanofilled composite resins and characterizes the int ...

439.84 KB
Comparing the effects of chlorhexidine and persica on alveolar bone healing following tooth extraction in rats, a randomised controlled trial

Comparing the effects of chlorh ...

Chlorhexidine is broadly prescribed by clinicians for treating extraction socket wounds; however, studies have reported adverse effects for chlorhex ...

714.26 KB
Anti-inflammatory effects of EMD in the presence of biomechanical loading and interleukin-1â in vitro

Anti-inflammatory effects of EM ...

Enamel matrix derivative (EMD) used to promote periodontal regeneration has been shown to exert antiinflammatory effects. This in vitro study was pe ...

384.52 KB
Surface characterization of passive film and elemental release analysis of a Ni–Cr alloy during bleaching,  part I: effects of different bleaching agents

Surface characterization of pas ...

The aim of this study was to evaluate the elemental release from a Ni–Cr dental casting alloy subjected to 10% hydrogen peroxide (HP) or 10% carbami ...

271.55 KB
In vivo effects of fluoride on enamel permeability

In vivo effects of fluoride on ...

This in vivo study evaluated the effects of topical fluoride application on enamel by repeated scanning electron microscopy analysis of replicas. Ba ...

545.80 KB
Effects of a composition containing lactoferrin and lactoperoxidase on oral malodor and salivary bacteria:a randomized, double-blind, crossover, placebo-controlled clinical trial

Effects of a composition contai ...

We report a clinical trial of the effects of test tablets containing bovine lactoferrin and lactoperoxidase on oral malodor and salivary bacteria. F ...

186.42 KB
Effects of metallic or translucent matrices for class II composite restorations: 4-year clinical follow-up findings

Effects of metallic or transluc ...

This study evaluated the performance of composite restorations placed with two matrix and wedge systems 4 years after placement. In a split-mouth de ...

188.38 KB
Comparing hyoscine and drotaverine effects on colon in CT colonography

Comparing hyoscine and drotaver ...

Hyoscine and drotaverine effectiveness was compared for the purposes of achieving optimum distension following insufflation in CT colonography. The i ...

دانلود 1
857.27 KB
Divergent effects of insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor expression on prognosis of estrogen receptor positive versus triple negative invasive ductal breast carcinoma

Divergent effects of insulin-li ...

The insulin-like growth factor type 1 receptor (IGF1R) is involved in progression of breast cancer and resistance to systemic treatment. Targeting I ...

860.09 KB
