# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Clinical and microbiological effects of photodynamic therapy associated with nonsurgical periodontal treatment. A 6-month follow-up
158.51 KB 74 0
Effects of different application durations of ER:YAG laser on intrapulpal temperature change during debonding
172.00 KB 79 0
Effects of different application durations of scanning laser method on debonding strength of laminate veneers
132.65 KB 72 0
Effects of the Lexington LaserComb on hair regrowth in the C3H/HeJ mouse model of alopecia areata
261.91 KB 68 0
Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) in human progressive-intensity running: effects on exercise performance, skeletal muscle status, and oxidative stress
163.66 KB 97 0
Effects of different setting of diode laser on the mRNA expression of growth factors and type I collagen of human gingival fibroblasts
438.25 KB 76 0
Effects of 940 nm light-emitting diode (led) on sciatic nerve regeneration in rats
339.79 KB 80 0
Long-term effects of a single application of a water-cooled pulsed Nd:YAG laser in supplement to scaling and root planing in patients with periodontal inflammation
121.09 KB 231 3
Effects of the Er,Cr:YSGG laser on bone and soft tissue in a rat model
550.14 KB 92 0
Therapeutic effects of systemic photodynamic therapy in a leukemia animal model using A20 cells
436.03 KB 73 0
Effects of Downregulation of Aquaporin1 by Peptidoglycan and Lipopolysaccharide via MAPK Pathways in MeT-5A Cells
699.87 KB 71 0
Therapeutic Effects of Hyaluronan on Smoke-induced Elastic Fiber Injury: Does Delayed Treatment Affect Efficacy?
384.00 KB 65 0
Effects of air susceptibility on proton resonance frequency MR thermometry
529.58 KB 107 0
Cerebral Hemodynamic and Metabolic Effects of Equi-Osmolar Doses Mannitol and 23.4% Saline in Patients with Edema Following Large Ischemic Stroke
225.66 KB 74 0
Metabolic and Clinical Effects of the Supplementation of a Functional Mixture of Amino Acids in Cerebral Hemorrhage
184.98 KB 76 0
In vitro effects of Cyberknife-driven intermittent irradiation on glioblastoma cell lines
428.34 KB 70 0
Chronic acquired hepatocerebral degeneration: effects of liver transplantation on neurological manifestations
232.79 KB 79 0
Effects of heating coagulation of middle meningeal artery on plasma CGRP level and c-fos expression in migraine rat triggered by nitroglycerin
284.45 KB 70 0
Therapeutic time window for the neuroprotective effects of NGF when administered after focal cerebral ischemia
459.51 KB 134 1
Memantine effects on behaviour in moderately severe to severe Alzheimer’s disease: a post-marketing surveillance study
221.68 KB 69 0
Effects of conjugated linoleic acid on cleavage of amyloid precursor protein via PPARc
342.95 KB 78 0
Effects of inducible nitric oxide synthase blockade within the periaqueductal gray on cardiovascular responses during mechanical, heat, and cold nociception
319.87 KB 103 0
Effects of Ginkgo biloba on cerebral blood flow assessed by quantitative MR perfusion imaging: a pilot study
408.39 KB 74 0
The Effects of Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding on Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension
115.11 KB 70 0
Effects of A-Line Autoregression Index (AAI) Monitoring on Recovery After Sevoflurane Anesthesia for Bariatric Surgery
166.52 KB 184 0
Clinical and microbiological effects of photodynamic therapy  associated with nonsurgical periodontal treatment.  A 6-month follow-up

Clinical and microbiological ef ...

Experimental studies in animals and in vitro have shown the usefulness of photodynamic therapy (PDT) as an adjunct to periodontal treatment. The aim ...

158.51 KB
Effects of different application durations of ER:YAG laser  on intrapulpal temperature change during debonding

Effects of different applicatio ...

This study was done to determine the amount of lasing time required to remove ceramic brackets safely without causing intrapulpal damage by using Er ...

172.00 KB
Effects of different application durations of scanning laser  method on debonding strength of laminate veneers

Effects of different applicatio ...

Porcelain laminate veneers as esthetic and minimally invasive restorations are being used as an alternative to full veneer crowns. However, the remo ...

132.65 KB
Effects of the Lexington LaserComb on hair regrowth  in the C3H/HeJ mouse model of alopecia areata

Effects of the Lexington LaserC ...

Alopecia areata (AA) is a common autoimmune disease that presents with non-scarring alopecia. It is characterized by intra- or peri-follicular lymph ...

261.91 KB
Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) in human  progressive-intensity running: effects on exercise  performance, skeletal muscle status, and oxidative stress

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) ...

The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on exercise performance, oxidative stress, and muscle status in h ...

163.66 KB
Effects of different setting of diode laser on the mRNA  expression of growth factors and type I collagen of human  gingival fibroblasts

Effects of different setting of ...

The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of non-surgical applications of diode laser (940 nm) on the cell proliferation and mRNA expressio ...

438.25 KB
Effects of 940 nm light-emitting diode (led) on sciatic  nerve regeneration in rats

Effects of 940 nm light-emittin ...

The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of 940 nm wavelength light emitting diode (LED) phototherapy on nerve regeneration in ...

339.79 KB
Long-term effects of a single application of a water-cooled  pulsed Nd:YAG laser in supplement to scaling and root  planing in patients with periodontal inflammation

Long-term effects of a single a ...

The aim of this work was to investigate the longterm effects of a single application of a water-cooled pulsed neodymium yttrium aluminium garnet (Nd ...

دانلود 3
121.09 KB
Effects of the Er,Cr:YSGG laser on bone and soft tissue  in a rat model

Effects of the Er,Cr:YSGG laser ...

The purpose of this study was to investigate the histological changes that occur in rat soft and hard tissues after Er,Cr:YSGG laser surgery. Each o ...

550.14 KB
Therapeutic effects of systemic photodynamic therapy  in a leukemia animal model using A20 cells

Therapeutic effects of systemic ...

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is attracting attention because of its noticeable inhibitory effects on the growth of dermatological and other solid tumo ...

436.03 KB
Effects of Downregulation of Aquaporin1 by Peptidoglycan  and Lipopolysaccharide via MAPK Pathways in MeT-5A Cells

Effects of Downregulation of Aq ...

This study was designed to investigate the signaling pathway involved in aquaporin1 (AQP1) expression caused by peptidoglycan (PGN) from Staphylococ ...

699.87 KB
Therapeutic Effects of Hyaluronan on Smoke-induced Elastic  Fiber Injury: Does Delayed Treatment Affect Efficacy?

Therapeutic Effects of Hyaluron ...

Aerosolized hyaluronan (HA) has been previously shown to prevent cigarette smoke-induced airspace enlargement and elastic fiber injury in mice when ...

384.00 KB
Effects of air susceptibility on proton resonance frequency  MR thermometry

Effects of air susceptibility o ...

Object The temperature dependence of the proton resonance frequency (PRF) is often used in MR thermometry. However, this method is prone to even ver ...

529.58 KB
Cerebral Hemodynamic and Metabolic Effects of Equi-Osmolar  Doses Mannitol and 23.4% Saline in Patients with Edema  Following Large Ischemic Stroke

Cerebral Hemodynamic and Metabo ...

Introduction Cerebral edema after ischemic stroke is frequently treated with mannitol and hypertonic saline (HS); however, their relative cerebrovas ...

225.66 KB
Metabolic and Clinical Effects of the Supplementation  of a Functional Mixture of Amino Acids in Cerebral Hemorrhage

Metabolic and Clinical Effects ...

Background Oral supplementation of a specific mixture of essential and non-essential amino acids has been shown to modulate hypercatabolism in patie ...

184.98 KB
In vitro effects of Cyberknife-driven intermittent irradiation  on glioblastoma cell lines

In vitro effects of Cyberknife- ...

Radiosurgery is used increasingly upon recurrence of high-grade gliomas to deliver a high dose of focused radiation to a defined target. The purpose ...

428.34 KB
Chronic acquired hepatocerebral degeneration: effects of liver  transplantation on neurological manifestations

Chronic acquired hepatocerebral ...

Three cirrhotic patients with chronic acquired hepatocerebral degeneration (CAHD) received neurologic, neuropsychologic and neuroimaging assessment ...

232.79 KB
Effects of heating coagulation of middle meningeal artery  on plasma CGRP level and c-fos expression in migraine rat  triggered by nitroglycerin

Effects of heating coagulation ...

Current theory or hypothesis relevant to migraine indicates that trigeminovascular system plays a pivotal role in the pathophysiology of migraine. P ...

284.45 KB
Therapeutic time window for the neuroprotective effects  of NGF when administered after focal cerebral ischemia

Therapeutic time window for the ...

In the present study, we evaluated the neuroprotection time window for nerve growth factor (NGF) after ischemia/reperfusion brain injury in rabbits ...

دانلود 1
459.51 KB
Memantine effects on behaviour in moderately severe to severe  Alzheimer’s disease: a post-marketing surveillance study

Memantine effects on behaviour ...

The aim of this study is to evaluate memantine effectiveness on behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) in clinical practice and t ...

221.68 KB
Effects of conjugated linoleic acid on cleavage of amyloid  precursor protein via PPARc

Effects of conjugated linoleic ...

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) plays important roles in physiological conditions. The aim of present study was to explore the effects of CLA on the ...

342.95 KB
Effects of inducible nitric oxide synthase blockade  within the periaqueductal gray on cardiovascular  responses during mechanical, heat, and cold nociception

Effects of inducible nitric oxi ...

We have examined the role of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) within the dorsolateral periaqueductal gray mater (dlPAG) on cardiovascular resp ...

319.87 KB
Effects of Ginkgo biloba on cerebral blood flow assessed  by quantitative MR perfusion imaging: a pilot study

Effects of Ginkgo biloba on cer ...

Introduction Extract of Ginkgo biloba (EGb), a dietary supplement used for a number of conditions including dementia, has been suggested to increase ...

408.39 KB
The Effects of Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding  on Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension

The Effects of Laparoscopic Adj ...

The purpose of this study was to determine whether laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding has a role in the treatment of idiopathic intracranial hy ...

115.11 KB
Effects of A-Line Autoregression Index (AAI) Monitoring  on Recovery After Sevoflurane Anesthesia for Bariatric Surgery

Effects of A-Line Autoregressio ...

Monitoring depth of anesthesia may improve anesthetic dosing and postanesthetic recovery in obese patients. Sixty morbidly obese patients undergoing ...

166.52 KB
