# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Nurse-Administered Propofol Sedation Is Safe for Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Undergoing Routine Endoscopy: A Pilot Study
189.34 KB 70 0
Improving melody recognition in cochlear implant recipients through individualized frequency map Wtting
495.48 KB 62 0
Otorhinolaryngological findings and hearing in HIV-positive and HIV-negative children in a developing country
177.03 KB 73 0
Fetal growth, early life circumstances, and risk of suicide in late adulthood
198.65 KB 83 0
Neurological complications of pandemic influenza A H1N1 2009 infection: European case series and review
170.11 KB 64 0
Liposuction for highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)-associated lipohypertrophy
130.69 KB 77 0
CT comparison of visual and computerised quantification of coronary stenosis according to plaque composition
498.49 KB 88 0
Multidetector CT imaging of mechanical prosthetic heart valves: quantification of artifacts with a pulsatile in-vitro model
387.05 KB 71 0
A systematic review of the accuracy and indications for diagnostic laparoscopy prior to curative-intent resection of gastric cancer
284.48 KB 72 0
Fibrin-glue assisted multilayered amniotic membrane transplantation in surgical management of pediatric corneal limbal dermoid: a novel approach
191.15 KB 65 0
Development of a model for prediction of coronary atherosclerotic regression: evaluation of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level and peripheral blood monocyte count
236.60 KB 72 0
A new diagnostic approach using regional analysis of anterior knee laxity in patients with anterior cruciate ligament deficiency
293.27 KB 62 0
Clinical outcomes of medial patellofemoral ligament repair in recurrent (chronic) lateral patella dislocations
253.90 KB 100 0
Degraded water suppression in small volume 1HMRS due to localised shimming
1,012.36 KB 83 0
Therapeutic time window for the neuroprotective effects of NGF when administered after focal cerebral ischemia
459.51 KB 134 1
Assessment of baseline hemodynamic parameters within infarct progression areas in acute stroke patients using perfusion-weighted MRI
184.54 KB 62 0
Systematic Review of Same-Day Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Band Surgery
173.12 KB 79 0
Treatment of through-and-through bone lesion using autologous growth factors and xenogeneic bone graft: a case report
479.21 KB 57 1
Structural parameters of normal and osteoporotic human trabecular bone are affected differently by microCT image resolution
462.75 KB 76 0
Outcome of Acute Graft Rejection Associated with Hemodynamic Compromise in Pediatric Heart Transplant Recipients
204.34 KB 64 0
Problems with 'focal segmental glomerulosclerosis'
415.96 KB 76 0
Novel insights into the physiology of renalase and its role in hypertension and heart disease
245.99 KB 135 0
Effect of insulin-like growth factors on lung development in a nitrofen-induced CDH rat model
1.36 MB 104 0
Computational Approaches for Predicting Causal Missense Mutations in Cancer Genome Projects
191.33 KB 68 0
The Protection Potential of an Alum-Adjuvanted F1 Protein in Dry Powder against Plague in Mice
1.88 MB 92 0
Nurse-Administered Propofol Sedation Is Safe for Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Undergoing Routine Endoscopy: A Pilot Study

Nurse-Administered Propofol Sed ...

Background Nurse-administered propofol sedation (NAPS) is now in widespread use. The safety profile of NAPS for routine endoscopic procedures in pat ...

189.34 KB
Improving melody recognition in cochlear implant recipients through individualized frequency map Wtting

Improving melody recognition in ...

Recent research has shown that music perception remains very diYcult for most cochlear implant (CI) users, who generally report being unsatisWed wit ...

495.48 KB
Otorhinolaryngological findings and hearing in HIV-positive  and HIV-negative children in a developing country

Otorhinolaryngological findings ...

The otorhinolaryngological (ORL) manifestations of Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are common, but remain poorly characterized among children of ...

177.03 KB
Fetal growth, early life circumstances, and risk of suicide in late adulthood

Fetal growth, early life circum ...

Recent studies in Sweden and Scotland have found early life conditions to be associated with increased risk of attempted and completed suicide in ad ...

198.65 KB
Neurological complications of pandemic influenza A H1N1  2009 infection: European case series and review

Neurological complications of p ...

Neurological manifestations and outcomes of children with the 2009 H1N1 virus infection have been reported in three American series and from smaller ...

170.11 KB
Liposuction for highly active antiretroviral therapy  (HAART)-associated lipohypertrophy

Liposuction for highly active a ...

The aim is to explore satisfaction levels in HIV patients following liposuction for HAART-associated lipodystrophy. Ninety postal questionnaires wer ...

130.69 KB
CT comparison of visual and computerised quantification of coronary stenosis according to plaque composition

CT comparison of visual and com ...

Objective To compare the diagnostic performance of computerised quantification with visual assessment for the detection of significant coronary sten ...

498.49 KB
Multidetector CT imaging of mechanical prosthetic heart  valves: quantification of artifacts with a pulsatile in-vitro  model

Multidetector CT imaging of mec ...

Objectives Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) can detect the cause of prosthetic heart valve (PHV) dysfunction but is hampered by valve-induce ...

387.05 KB
A systematic review of the accuracy and indications for diagnostic  laparoscopy prior to curative-intent resection of gastric cancer

A systematic review of the accu ...

Background Despite improved preoperative imaging techniques, patients with incurable or unresectable gastric cancer are still subjected to non-thera ...

284.48 KB
Fibrin-glue assisted multilayered amniotic membrane  transplantation in surgical management of pediatric corneal  limbal dermoid: a novel approach

Fibrin-glue assisted multilayer ...

Purpose To report a new surgical technique for excising pediatric corneal limbal dermoid and the post-resection ocular surface reconstruction. Meth ...

191.15 KB
Development of a model for prediction of coronary atherosclerotic  regression: evaluation of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level  and peripheral blood monocyte count

Development of a model for pred ...

Monocytes and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) play important roles in the process of coronary atherosclerosis. We hypothesized that a r ...

236.60 KB
A new diagnostic approach using regional analysis of anterior  knee laxity in patients with anterior cruciate ligament deficiency

A new diagnostic approach using ...

Purpose The first purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics of the anterior knee laxity in the three regions of different stiffness i ...

293.27 KB
Clinical outcomes of medial patellofemoral ligament repair  in recurrent (chronic) lateral patella dislocations

Clinical outcomes of medial pat ...

Purpose The specific aim of this project was to review a homogenous group of patients who had chosen to undergo medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL ...

253.90 KB
Degraded water suppression in small volume 1HMRS  due to localised shimming

Degraded water suppression in s ...

Object High quality, artifact free, 1H MRS require a homogeneous magnetic field over the volume of interest (VOI) and an effective global water supp ...

1,012.36 KB
Therapeutic time window for the neuroprotective effects  of NGF when administered after focal cerebral ischemia

Therapeutic time window for the ...

In the present study, we evaluated the neuroprotection time window for nerve growth factor (NGF) after ischemia/reperfusion brain injury in rabbits ...

دانلود 1
459.51 KB
Assessment of baseline hemodynamic parameters  within infarct progression areas in acute stroke patients  using perfusion-weighted MRI

Assessment of baseline hemodyna ...

Introduction The value of perfusion MRI for identifying the tissue at risk has been questioned. Our objective was to assess baseline perfusion-weigh ...

184.54 KB
Systematic Review of Same-Day Laparoscopic Adjustable  Gastric Band Surgery

Systematic Review of Same-Day L ...

Laparoscopic adjustable gastric band (LAGB) is the commonest bariatric procedure worldwide. The safety and feasibility of same-day discharge after L ...

173.12 KB
Treatment of through-and-through bone lesion  using autologous growth factors and xenogeneic bone graft:  a case report

Treatment of through-and-throug ...

Background This pilot case study aimed at evaluating the possibility of achieving optimal hard and soft tissue regeneration using plasma rich in gro ...

دانلود 1
479.21 KB
Structural parameters of normal and osteoporotic human  trabecular bone are affected differently by microCT  image resolution

Structural parameters of normal ...

Summary This study employed microCT to investigate whether image resolution affects bone structural parameters differently in healthy normal and ost ...

462.75 KB
Outcome of Acute Graft Rejection Associated with Hemodynamic  Compromise in Pediatric Heart Transplant Recipients

Outcome of Acute Graft Rejectio ...

We sought to analyze the outcome of hemodynamically significant acute graft rejection in pediatric heart transplant recipients from a single-center ...

204.34 KB
Problems with 'focal segmental glomerulosclerosis'

Problems with 'focal segme ...

The term 'focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)' has been applied to many different conditions. All classifications of 'FSGS', including those d ...

415.96 KB
Novel insights into the physiology of renalase and its role  in hypertension and heart disease

Novel insights into the physiol ...

Renalase is an amine oxidase expressed in kidney, heart, liver, and brain that metabolizes catecholamines. Tissue and plasma levels are decreased in ...

245.99 KB
Effect of insulin-like growth factors on lung development  in a nitrofen-induced CDH rat model

Effect of insulin-like growth f ...

Purpose Both the mortality and morbidity associated with congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) are mainly caused by pulmonary hypoplasia and persist ...

1.36 MB
Computational Approaches for Predicting Causal Missense Mutations in  Cancer Genome Projects

Computational Approaches for Pr ...

A central focus of cancer genetics is the study of mutations that are causally implicated in tumorigenesis. Although missense variants are commonly i ...

191.33 KB
The Protection Potential of an Alum-Adjuvanted F1 Protein in  Dry Powder against Plague in Mice

The Protection Potential of an ...

Aluminum hydroxide is the only adjuvant for use in human vaccines. The commercial alum-adjuvanted vaccines are formulated as liquid without exception ...

1.88 MB
