# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Correlation between arterial blood volume obtained by arterial spin labelling and cerebral blood volume in intracranial tumours
658.78 KB 61 0
Microcoil-based MRI: feasibility study and cell culture applications using a conventional animal system
694.41 KB 70 0
Motor cortical reorganization is present after a single attack of multiple sclerosis devoid of cortico-spinal dysfunction
243.43 KB 70 0
On precise localization of boundaries between extended uniform objects in MRI: tooth imaging as an example
657.42 KB 66 0
Temporal course of perfusion in human masseter muscle during isometric contraction assessed by arterial spin labeling at 3T
595.78 KB 63 0
SAR reduced black-blood cine TPM for increased temporal resolution at 3T
605.94 KB 71 0
Quantitative brain MR imaging in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
796.49 KB 61 0
Accurate assessment of carotid artery stenosis in atherosclerotic mice using accelerated high-resolution 3D magnetic resonance angiography
647.56 KB 61 0
Quantitative assessment of trabecular bone micro-architecture of the wrist via 7Tesla MRI: preliminary results
581.79 KB 76 1
Reproducibility of subregional trabecular bone micro-architectural measures derived from 7-Tesla magnetic resonance images
259.59 KB 57 0
Precision analysis of kinetic modelling estimates in dynamic contrast enhanced MR
533.79 KB 69 0
ADC measurements in the evaluation of lymph nodes in patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma: feasibility study
387.69 KB 66 0
An improved PSF mapping method for EPI distortion correction in human brain at ultra high field (7T)
807.84 KB 62 0
Ultra-high field diffusion tensor imaging of articular cartilage correlated with histology and scanning electron microscop
866.68 KB 79 0
Optimized in-phase and opposed-phase MR imaging for accurate detection of small fat or water fractions: theoretical considerations and experimental application in emulsions
805.86 KB 84 0
Volumetric analysis of MRI data monitoring the treatment of polycystic kidney disease in a mouse model
912.26 KB 66 0
Adapted random sampling patterns for accelerated MR
1.09 MB 75 0
Phase-based arterial input functions in humans applied to dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI: potential usefulness and limitations
1.65 MB 62 0
Degraded water suppression in small volume 1HMRS due to localised shimming
1,012.36 KB 83 0
Compatibility between 3T 1H SV-MRS data and automatic brain tumour diagnosis support systems based on databases of 1.5T 1H SV-MRS spectra
437.16 KB 71 0
Assessment of neovascular permeability in a pancreatic tumor model using dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI with contrast agents of different molecular weights
471.90 KB 86 0
Two-dimensional linear-combination model fitting of magnetic resonance spectra to define the macromolecule baseline using FiTAID, a Fitting Tool for Arrays of Interrelated Datasets
867.76 KB 62 0
A Bayesian hierarchical model for DCE-MRI to evaluate treatment response in a phase II study in advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck
632.83 KB 74 0
Prevalence of Pulmonary Hypertension in Patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: Correlation with Physiological Parameters
298.48 KB 60 0
Is There a Beneficial Role for a Flexible Bronchoscopic Approach to Oesophageal Tumour-related Tracheobronchial Stenosis?
253.44 KB 59 0
Correlation between arterial blood volume obtained by arterial  spin labelling and cerebral blood volume in intracranial tumours

Correlation between arterial bl ...

Objective To compare measurements of the arterial blood volume (aBV), a perfusion parameter calculated from arterial spin labelling (ASL), and cereb ...

658.78 KB
Microcoil-based MRI: feasibility study and cell culture  applications using a conventional animal system

Microcoil-based MRI: feasibilit ...

Object The aim of this studywas to demonstrate the feasibility of MR microimaging on a conventional 9.4 T horizontal animal MRI system using commerc ...

694.41 KB
Motor cortical reorganization is present after a single attack  of multiple sclerosis devoid of cortico-spinal dysfunction

Motor cortical reorganization i ...

Object While occurrence of motor cortical reorganization has been clearly demonstrated in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), it is not yet clear ...

243.43 KB
On precise localization of boundaries between extended uniform  objects in MRI: tooth imaging as an example

On precise localization of boun ...

Object The purpose of this study was to investigate the achievable precision of localization of boundaries between extended uniform objects in MRI a ...

657.42 KB
SAR reduced black-blood cine TPM for increased temporal  resolution at 3T

SAR reduced black-blood cine TP ...

Object The objectivewas to improve the temporal resolution in black-blood CINE tissue phasemapping sequences at high field MR systems. The temporal ...

605.94 KB
Quantitative brain MR imaging in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Quantitative brain MR imaging i ...

Object To evaluate the potential of quantitative MR techniques [voxel-based morphometry (VBM), T2-relaxometry, mean diffusivity (MD), fractional ani ...

796.49 KB
Accurate assessment of carotid artery stenosis in atherosclerotic  mice using accelerated high-resolution 3D magnetic resonance  angiography

Accurate assessment of carotid ...

Object High-resolution magnetic resonance angiography (MRA)enables non-invasive detection and longitudinal monitoring of atherosclerosis in mousemod ...

647.56 KB
Quantitative assessment of trabecular bone micro-architecture  of the wrist via 7Tesla MRI: preliminary results

Quantitative assessment of trab ...

Object The goal of this studywas to determine the feasibility of performing quantitative 7T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) assessment of trabecula ...

دانلود 1
581.79 KB
Reproducibility of subregional trabecular bone  micro-architectural measures derived from 7-Tesla  magnetic resonance images

Reproducibility of subregional ...

High-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of trabecular bone combined with quantitative image analysis represents a powerful technique to gai ...

259.59 KB
Precision analysis of kinetic modelling estimates in dynamic  contrast enhanced MR

Precision analysis of kinetic m ...

Object Dynamic contrast enhanced MRI and pharmacokinetic modelling provide a powerful tool for tumour diagnosis and treatment evaluation. However, s ...

533.79 KB
ADC measurements in the evaluation of lymph nodes in patients  with non-Hodgkin lymphoma: feasibility study

ADC measurements in the evaluat ...

Object To determine whether apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) measurements allow discrimination of normal lymph nodes from lymphomatous lymph nod ...

387.69 KB
An improved PSF mapping method for EPI distortion correction  in human brain at ultra high field (7T)

An improved PSF mapping method ...

Object To further improve the quality and robustness of the point-spread function (PSF) mapping method for fully automatic and accurate correction o ...

807.84 KB
Ultra-high field diffusion tensor imaging of articular cartilage  correlated with histology and scanning electron microscop

Ultra-high field diffusion tens ...

Object To investigate the relationship of the different diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) parameters (ADC, FA, and first eigenvector (EV)) to the const ...

866.68 KB
Optimized in-phase and opposed-phase MR imaging for accurate  detection of small fat or water fractions: theoretical considerations  and experimental application in emulsions

Optimized in-phase and opposed- ...

Object To optimize strategies and measurement parameters for quantification of small fat and water fractions (<10%) in mixtures of both components b ...

805.86 KB
Volumetric analysis of MRI data monitoring the treatment  of polycystic kidney disease in a mouse model

Volumetric analysis of MRI data ...

Object The human condition autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is characterized by the growth of cysts in the kidneys that increase ...

912.26 KB
Adapted random sampling patterns for accelerated MR

Adapted random sampling pattern ...

Objective Variable density random sampling patterns have recently become increasingly popular for accelerated imaging strategies, as they lead to in ...

1.09 MB
Phase-based arterial input functions in humans applied  to dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI: potential usefulness  and limitations

Phase-based arterial input func ...

Object Phase-based arterial input functions (AIFs) provide a promising alternative to standard magnitude-based AIFs, for example, because inflow eff ...

1.65 MB
Degraded water suppression in small volume 1HMRS  due to localised shimming

Degraded water suppression in s ...

Object High quality, artifact free, 1H MRS require a homogeneous magnetic field over the volume of interest (VOI) and an effective global water supp ...

1,012.36 KB
Compatibility between 3T 1H SV-MRS data and automatic brain  tumour diagnosis support systems based on databases of 1.5T  1H SV-MRS spectra

Compatibility between 3T 1H SV- ...

Object This study demonstrates that 3T SV-MRS data can be used with the currently available automatic brain tumour diagnostic classifiers which were ...

437.16 KB
Assessment of neovascular permeability in a pancreatic  tumor model using dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE)  MRI with contrast agents of different molecular weights

Assessment of neovascular perme ...

Object We evaluated the relationship of dynamic contrastenhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI)-derived pharmacokinetic parameters and contras ...

471.90 KB
Two-dimensional linear-combination model fitting of magnetic  resonance spectra to define the macromolecule baseline using  FiTAID, a Fitting Tool for Arrays of Interrelated Datasets

Two-dimensional linear-combinat ...

Object To propose the determination of the macromolecular baseline (MMBL) in clinical 1H MR spectra based on T1 and T2 differentiation using 2D fitt ...

867.76 KB
A Bayesian hierarchical model for DCE-MRI to evaluate  treatment response in a phase II study in advanced  squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck

A Bayesian hierarchical model f ...

Object Pharmacokinetic parameters from dynamic contrastenhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) were used to assess the perfusion effects due to treatment response us ...

632.83 KB
Prevalence of Pulmonary Hypertension in Patients with Idiopathic  Pulmonary Fibrosis: Correlation with Physiological Parameters

Prevalence of Pulmonary Hyperte ...

The aim of this study was to prospectively evaluate the prevalence of pulmonary hypertension (PH) in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IP ...

298.48 KB
Is There a Beneficial Role for a Flexible Bronchoscopic Approach  to Oesophageal Tumour-related Tracheobronchial Stenosis?

Is There a Beneficial Role for ...

Background Interventional pulmonology, in particular, tracheobronchial stent insertion, has been well described in the treatment of tracheobronchial ...

253.44 KB
